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Help Desk for Hurricane Helene Recovery

If you have an emergency, call 911.

For questions for the Help Desk, to make an offer, or to share a need,


ISD is committed to helping our communities rebuild and thrive after the Hurricane Helene crisis. In addition to working on the ground in Western North Carolina, ISD has launched our Disaster Resource Help Desk: a group of experts ready to provide technical expertise so that any community can ensure long-term resilience.

Please consider supporting our community resilience-building efforts by 
donating to ISD. Your contributions will assist us in creating more accessible resources for a broader community.


Resource One-Pagers

ISD is committed to making resources more accessible to our communities. Check out our One-Pagers created by our dedicated team of experts and fellows.

Can't find what you're looking for?
Email us at

ISD FEMA IA Services Infographic
North Carolina Financial Resources
ISD NC Financial Resources
ISD State Financial Resource p.1
ISD SBA Loan Requirements Infographic
ISD Disaster Dos and Don'ts Infographic, Fighting With FEMA (2)
ISD Housing Recovery Journey


​Information on Hurricane Shelters can be found here.
Florida residents displaced by the hurricane should contact FLUMC by calling (863) 688-5563 or (800) 282-8011 (toll-free) or by contacting their local 211, which they can find at


If you need assistance, contact your local Emergency Management Agency. Click here to find the listing of all Georgia EMAs.

North Carolina

On October 6, 2024, NCDHHS issued FNS replacement benefits for FNS participants who live in the following 23 counties: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Cleveland, Gaston, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yancey counties. Replacements benefits for FNS participants in these counties were issued automatically and you do not need to take action to receive them. Read more.

North Carolina residents displaced by the storms should contact their local 211 contact center.

Information on Debris Removal Services can be found here.

List of Major Utility Providers can be found here.

South Carolina

If you need assistance, contact your local Emergency Management Agency. Click here to find the listing of all South Carolina EMAs.

Help Desk (FAQs)

Q: Surge capacity for debris removal and recycling?


Q: Water, sanitation and hygiene challenges?


Q:  Housing Support?

Q: Small business assistance?

Q: How do I find out more about Starlink and what territories they will serve?

Q: Who are the electricity providers in western N. Carolina?​​

Q: Who can I talk to about my farm?


Q. Coping with unwanted supplies and unaffiliated volunteers?

Q: How can I volunteer to help remediate the Appalachian Trail?

Q. Mental health resources and counseling capacity building?


Q: Should I be concerned about a peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluids shortage?

  • The FDA declared a PD shortage as Baxter International’s North Carolina facility was shut down by Helene. There are substitutions underway. However, if you live in a rural area, expect fewer supplies. Read more about it here.

Q: What are the financial implications of Hurricanes Helene and Milton?

  • The economic loss of Hurricane Helene is estimated to $250 billion with Milton generating an additional $50 billion in loss. This number continues to rise as devastation continues throughout the Southeast. 

Q: How can I find out who our FEMA community liaison is?

  • Information can be found here.

In response to most major disasters, ISD typically activates the Disaster Resource ​Help Desk after the emergency response and relief phase has stabilized. Due to the extraordinary impacts of Hurricane Helene and Milton, many longer-term challenges are already coming into focus. If you have an offer or solution for one of the issues listed above, please email

Scenes from Helene and Milton

HCA TV Walk Through of Downtown Marshall

Metro 17 Valdosta: Valdosta's Response and Recovery 

The State Shows Devastation around Cayce, SC

Chris Harden on Milton's Impact in Florida

See What We're Up To

ISD is on the ground in North Carolina, helping communities rebuild the social framework and sense of togetherness that drives recovery. Together with Force of Nature Solutions, the community hubs provide comfort as well as resources and expertise to those affected by Hurricane Helene.

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