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Business Advisory Team

Board of Directors


Sean Ballington


MD Logistics Inc


Tom Bognanno

President & CEO

Creating Healthier Communities



Stephen Jordan


Institute for Sustainable Development


Linda Mathes


American Red Cross, National Capital Region

130612 Scott Headshot - 02.png

The Honorable Scott McCallum

Former Governor,

State of Wisconsin


C. David Minifie


Minifies Take, LLC

Business Advisory Council

The Business Advisory Council (BAC) is designed to bring a variety of business perspectives together to share information, learn from each other, explore partnerships and identify opportunities to provide market-based solutions to environmental, social, and community challenges. BAC members receive briefings, access to important networking and speaking opportunities, and showcase their unique value propositions to important stakeholders.Members range from entrepreneurs and independent business leaders to corporate R&D, supply chain, sustainability, public affairs, and community relations officers.


Membership is by invitation only.

The Fellows

The Institute for Sustainable Development Fellows are accomplished practitioners who have years of experience in their respective fields. Spanning the gamut from regional planning to environmental science, from large corporations to small businesses and start-ups. Every one of our Fellows has life experiences and practical knowledge to share.

Karla Ballard – Urban Development and Social Capital
Tomme Beevas – Minority Small Business Issues
Richard Bolton – Role of Technology in Development
Amanda Chaillan (Pope) – Oceans, Blue Economy
Steve Cauffman – Building Safety and Security, working with the public sector
Ollie Davidson – Preparedness, Emergency Management, International Aid, Animals
Todd Furniss – Financing for Resilience, Health Care Issues
Michael Gallis – Urban Planning
Leeann Hackman-Carty – Canada
Margaret Larson Emergency Management
Rod MacAlister – International Development
Corey Marshall – Digital Tech Issues
Patrick McCrummen – CSR, STEM, Disaster Management
Grace Sisel – Systems-Based Sustainable Development
Jeffrey Sjostrom – Texas
Ellis Stanley – City Disaster Management
Steve Young – Business Ethics

Our Sponsors

The Institute for Sustainable Development would like to acknowledge the following companies and organizations for their commitment to solving problems, promoting partnerships, and investing in long-term economic development and social progress:​

In addition, we want to recognize over 300 other companies, organizations, and government agencies that have participated in one or more of ISD's briefings, projects, or programssince July 2018.

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